Sunday 18 June 2017

A bit of derision

Jottings. By 'Casual'.

There have been ructions in the local Workhouse lately, and all over the alleged appearance of that very undesirable personage - the "Banshee". For some days past weird wailings and cries had been heard, and the officials were at their wit's end to discover what was up.

In the middle of the night the inmates were aroused by the most unearthly sounds. No one could tell what was the matte, and search after search was instituted, but without avail. The "Banshee" ruled the roost for some days, but eventually the disturbance was found to be due to the lack of water in the gas meter. Thus we are brought from the sublime to the ridiculous.

Tyrone Constitution, 20th January 1905.

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