Sir, - In the discussion on the interesting subject of the banshee, now occupying the Letter Box, I am surprised to find no allusion to what I have always regarded as the real explanation of the superstition. It is, that animals, being, as is well known, often much affected at the time of a death, cry and howl; and on this fact, ignorance, superstition, and love of exaggeration have founded the belief in a spirit whose screams fortell a demise.
The subject is to me a fascinating one, for mine is a family in which the banshee is said to manifest herself: yet, all the same, there is no authentic instance of her visit in our annals. At the deaths of members of the family, however, on four different occasions, I have known dogs to howl and cats to screech the whole night through; and, I need not add, the vulgar were thereby profoundly impressed.
But when we remember that a shark will follow a ship for three days before a death on board, we need not seek to rank such as the above under the head of the supernatural. A natural cause has been found for the "ticking" of the "death-watch," and for the ghost-like lights in church-yards. Let us hope that education and common sense will soon extinguish the lingering remains of belief in the banshee too.
Trusting that I have not trespassed too much on your valuable space - I am, dear Mr Editor, your obedient servant,
Latton Hill.
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