Thursday, 8 June 2017

To the Editor of the Weekly Irish Times, 8th April 1893

Dear Sir, - I do not believe that the banshee's cry is not now heard in Ireland. I most distinctly heard it about five years ago, previous to the death of my dear brother; he was ailing at the time. It was about 12 o'clock at night, I was up with him watching in case he required a drink, when suddenly I heard an indescribably mournful cry. It seemed to be borne in mid-air. At the time we lived in the country. The terrace we lived in consisted of seven villas, gardens to the rear. The wail seemed to be that of a woman walking up and down at the back of the garden. I went and looked out; it was a beautiful moonlight night. The wail continued for about half an hour. I was not in the least nervous; my people were all asleep; I called my siter and told her to listen; she sat up in bed, listened, and also heard the cry.

I often after sat up all night with my brother, but never again heard the cry. Several people who lived in the villas adjoining ours, on different nights heard the cry and were afraid to tell us, feeling it would make us nervous at the time, but I shall never forget that cry. Father, too, heard it on several previous occasions.

- Faithfully yours,
B. O'Connor,
Old Toll House, Dublin.

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