Monday, 13 March 2017

Coonclunny, County Sligo

It is common belief in the area that the Bean Sidhe crys for some of the families - particularly the Caseys. No later than three years ago it was heard by three people in the village and in a very short time a Miss Casey died.
Here is a true story of my own experience. I have always heard my father (R.I.P.) say that no member of his family ever died without a cry warning the house or one member first. He knew when his mother died - he heard a cry - although he was living 10 miles away. And when his brother died all in the house on that night heard a long low wail outside.
When my father was ill in September 1937 on the Wednesday night previous to his demise I was awakened by a loud cry. I paid no attention and thought it might have been one of the children in another room. On Thursday night and Friday night again I heard the same cry and on Saturday father R.I.P. died though on the previous Wednesday the doctor had pronounced him out of danger - it was the Flanagan side of the family who were followed by the cry. Peculiar coincidence at the time was that the night nurse who was also related to Flanagans heard the same cry on the three nights, and when I told her my experience she told me hers, and said she always knew when there was a death in the town as she always heard the call.

From the National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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