The bean side follows certain Irish families. A wailing piercing cry is
heard. A certain man heard it once in a wood, and he thought it was some
one in distress, so he got a lantern and searched. The wailing ceased
and when he went into his house the wailing commenced again. Next day a
man was found dead in a quarry near by.
There was once a woman who
lived in the country. Her mother was sick and one night, she went to the
town to do some shopping. As she was passing by a bridge the bean side
jumped up and started crying at her feet. She had a brown shawl and long
hair. She cried for about ten minutes and the woman could not move
until the bean side had finished. When she was coming back, she did not
see or hear the bean side at all. The next day her mother died.
There was once a man and one night about twelve o'clock, he heard the bean side crying at his window. He went to the door and when he did, the crying ceased. He went in, and the crying started. The next day, the wire came that his Aunt in America was dead.
From the National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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